POLSKI   Ideą tej strony jest zgromadzenie w jednym miejscu ilustracji, jakimi komentowałem bieżące i historyczne wydarzenia na różnych witrynach, blogach, forach i innych dziwnych zakątkach internetu…
Digitale Scriptor (DeS)

 ENGLISH   The idea for this website is to keep track of some of my illustrations, with which I have been commenting past and current events on various sites, blogs, forums and other strange corners of the internet …
Digitale Scriptor (DeS)

piątek, 29 kwietnia 2016

Budowanie Międzymorza

z cyklu „jednym słowem obrazkiem”:
from "in a single word picture" series:

„Budowanie Międzymorza”
"Constructing Intermarium"

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czwartek, 28 kwietnia 2016


z cyklu „jednym słowem obrazkiem”:
from "in a single word picture" series:


Three former Polish presidents, Walesa, simple worker (always suspected and now-proven agent of communist Secret Services), Komorowski (the only person in the Parliament to object to disbanding the WSI, former communist Secret Service snake pit) and Kwasniewski, who faked his PhD and was always communist party member and even a minister in the last communist government in Poland -  and yes, he also was a president of  the "democratic" Poland later...).
It's disgusting how the sixth (meaning Andrzej Duda, the 6th president of the Third Polish Republic - current president of  Poland) keeps his head high because he is the only one who did his graduate studies, has real PhD and never worked for nor with communists... smart ass!

© Digitale Scriptor
kwiecień 2016
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środa, 27 kwietnia 2016

Pocztówka z Londynu

z cyklu „jednym słowem obrazkiem”:
from "in a single word picture" series:

„Pocztówka z Londynu”
"Postcard from London"

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czwartek, 21 kwietnia 2016

Ostatnie ostrzeżenie

z cyklu „jednym słowem obrazkiem”:
from "in a single word picture" series:

„Ostatnie ostrzeżenie”
"Last Warning"

© Digitale Scriptor
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wtorek, 12 kwietnia 2016

Przyjdzie na was czas!

z cyklu „jednym słowem obrazkiem”:
from "in a single word picture" series:

„Przyjdzie na was czas!”
"Goyim, we will get you!"

Cytat z polskojęzycznego żyda, wybitnego ścierwa antypolskiego, Jana Hartmana.

Quotation from Polish-speaking Jew, enormously anti-Polish shithead, Jan Hartman. He publicly threaten "chamy" (it is Polish-born Jews' racial slur for all non-Jews, but mainly meaning Poles here): "There are millions of you, chamy (goyim, gentiles), but we will get you! And if not you then your children!"

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sobota, 2 kwietnia 2016

Dwa KOD-y

z cyklu „1ednym słowem obrazkiem”:
from "in a sing1e word picture" series:

„Dwa KOD-y”
"The KOD movement split by the money"

The KOD movement (Committee for Defending Democracy) had been split into two separate groups for no official reason. The old Jewish saying "if you don't know what it is about, it must be about money" is correct in this case: the "movement" had split because of unequal division of the monies they have collected...
(Image originally used as illustration for "Dwa KOD-y: Rozłam o... pieniądze!" article by Eugeniusz Sendecki)

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piątek, 1 kwietnia 2016

Orły, szczury i świnie

z cyklu „1ednym słowem obrazkiem”:
from "in a sing1e word picture" series:

„Orły, szczury i świnie”
"Eagles, Rats and Pigs"

Komentarz do wypowiedzi Macieja Stuhra na gali „Orły 2016” oraz poparcia Stuhra starszego dla wywodów synalka.

Caption: "Rats, but they talk like pigs".
Commentary to the speech given by Maciej Stuhr at the "Eagles 2016" Ceremony, and his father's support. Their last name spoken in Polish sounds similar to the word "szczur" (rat). Only the pigs supporting formerly ruling in Poland party were delighted with his scandalous speech.

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